Birthday is a day when you get attention from people around you. It feels so good. A simple and sincere wish is worth lot more than any present. The part I enjoyed most during my birthday is just merely getting wishes from my friends and family. Hearing my phone ringing continuously is just enjoyable.
I would like to say THANKS to all who wished me on my birthday.
Especially Jiay Yuan, Vivien, Keng Leong, Chu Hoong and Chwan Yeong who came all the way from KL to Malacca to celebrate with me as I couldnt get a bus ticket to KL. I was so touched and happy to see them. I'd say it was my happiest day in Malacca. I really smiled from deep inside my heart. Also not to forget Shaw Jhee who called me from Australia, Win-ni from London, Pau Pau, Wei Lee, Endry who video called me and sang me a birthday song and also those who texted me and wished me on facebook n friendster. This year's birthday was as GREAT as last year's!!